Wictor Bonde and Stefan Granqvist are titled Founders of the Year

Wictor Bonde and Stefan Granqvist are titled Founders of the Year

press release | 2023-09-25

Wictor Bonde and Stefan Granqvist, founders of Interim Search, received the Growth Rings in Gold for the global award Founder of the Year, category Medium Size Companies, at the Founders Awards Gala held at Grand Hôtel in Stockholm on September 20. “Seven years ago we were in the back row, looking at the winners on stage and thinking ”one day that will be us! And today we are here”, says the proud winners.

The Founder of the Year award honors successful global founders who have built one or more strong private or public limited companies. It aims to spotlight these founders and inspire growth in medium to large-sized internationally expanding companies.

The Founder Jury, consisting of Chair of the jury Linda Bjernstål, founder of Tondere, Harshil Karia, founder of Schbang & Level, Lilia Yeghiazaryan, founder of Dexatel and Oliver Lagerström, co-founder of MFEX by Euroclear, motivated the duo’s win in the following words:

“Interim Search is Sweden’s largest Interim Management company founded in 2012 and fully owned by Wictor Bonde and Stefan Granqvist. Driven to enhance the interim market, they excel at solving customer challenges during turbulence, time constraints and critical situations. With accessibility, innovation and a willingness to challenge conventions, they exceed customer expectations and simplify difficult decisions. Together with their 56 employees, they continue to revolutionize interim recruitment practices.”


Read the full press release from Founder’s Alliance.

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